Breaking Free Blog
Are You Ready To Ditch Your Limiting Beliefs?
Here’s how. In my previous post, I shared an incident from my childhood that resulted in a disempowering story about my ability (or rather, my inability) to speak in public. I managed to ditch that belief eventually, learning a lot in the process, which I’d love to share with you.
The Stories We Tell (ourselves mainly)
Were you the selfish one in your family? The one who always put their needs first? Or were you the Good Girl (or Boy)—the one who was always the best at everything and never did anything to upset anyone?
Is Your Life About to Change? 5 Tips for Navigating Your Next Life Transition
We all go through life transitions all the time. We start and end relationships, get married, have children, buy homes, switch jobs, lose loved ones. One would think we’d be quite good at navigating them, right?
Are You Stuck in Victim Mode? (And How You Can Get Out)
Do you sometimes feel like bad things keep happening to you? Like the world is out to get you? Like everyone else around you is happier / more successful / has it more together than you?
What is Intention and Why Should You Care?
“What do you mean by intention?” my new client asked me, shyly. We were discussing an important event she had coming up and I had asked her what her intention was for that event. Her question took me by surprise.
Welcome to Breaking Free
Well, hello there! I’m delighted to introduce to you my new baby – it’s a blog I’m launching called Breaking Free. Breaking Free from what? I’m glad you asked.